深圳大学讲席教授,深圳大学校务委员会副主任。国家特聘教授,俄罗斯工程院外籍院士,俄罗斯工程院中国中心副主席,美国医学与生物工程院院士,英国皇家化学会会士,欧洲科学院院士,北京科技大学学术委员会副主任、北京精准医疗与健康研究院执行院长,中国生物检测监测产业技术创新战略联盟理事长、兼任解放军总医院(301)临床生化部副主任,世界精密仪器公司首席科学家,清华大学,美国USF,沙特国王大学,日本东京大学等10所大学兼职教授。现任国家重大研究项目首席科学家、国家重点研发专项(973)首席科学家、国家重大研究计划指导专家、国家基金委化学部咨询委员会委员,国家科技部合成生物学重大专项专家组副组长。担任RSC Sensors & Diagnostics 等24个国际刊物主编,副主编和编委。入选斯坦福大学全球顶尖科学家。主持设计了世界第一台智能化自由基分析仪,研发了纳微控制分析系统用于航天器上,提出了智能生物传感新理论和概念。获首届全国创新争先奖,获首都劳动奖章,北京优秀共产党员,中国杰出工程师奖,当选科学中国人年度人物。国家教育部自然科学奖、中国分析测试协会一等奖,中国传感器杰出贡献奖,华为杰出贡献奖,世界杰出华人奖。入选深圳市杰出人才,南京市顶尖人才,斯坦福大学全球顶尖科学家。2023年获莱布尼茨奖章。已在国际一流期刊 Chem. Rev., Science 和 Nature子刊, JACS等发表SCI论文800余篇, 专利200多项,专著8部,引用45000多次。30多项技术产业化,在100多个国家使用。 2012年经中央提名,当选中共十八大党代表,成为国家特聘专家中的唯一代表。
Dr. Xueji Zhang is Vice President and Vice Chairman of University Council, Shenzhen University and Distinguished Professor at the School of Biomedical Engineering, China. He received his BSc and PhD from Wuhan University in 1989 and 1994 respectively. His postdoctoral work was completed at the National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich and New Mexico State University, Last Cruces, USA, from 1995-1999. He was a research scientist, a senior scientist, a chief scientist, Vice President and Senior Vice President at World Precision Instruments, Inc., USA, Adjunct Professor at University of South Florida until 2010, when he joined the University of Science & Technology Beijing as National Chair Professor. His research interests span the disciplines of chemistry, biology, materials and medicine, with an emphasis on studies of biosensing, biomedicine and biomaterials. His lab focuses on the development of novel biosensors, artificial intelligence sensors, wearable sensors and tools and devices to study free radicals, cancer biomarkers, profiling changes in animals or humans associated with diseases, and exploiting this information for the development of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. In addition, his group investigates drug delivery, new energy and natural medicines. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of Sensors & Diagnostics and has been an editorial member of 24 international journals. He has received numerous national and international awards and honors including Member of the Russian Academy of Engineering; Fellow of the American Institute for Medical & Bioengineering; Fellow of the Royal Chemical Society, Member of European Academy of Sciences; a National Innovation Award in China; Scientist of the Year in China, Outstanding Engineer of China, Outstanding Award of Sensors, and Simon Fellow of ICSC-World Lab.
The impact of his work is documented in over 200 granted patents, about 800 peer-reviewed journal papers with >43,000 citations, 8 books, and over 200 keynote/invited lectures and seminars at national and international conferences and institutions. His work is also closely tied to industry and government, for which he has licensed over 30 biosensing technologies and affected some government regulations.